The Family Who.

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October 28, 2013 by jeliwobble

Over the weekend, we had the town Halloween walk, where the shops on Main Street give out loads of candy to the kids and vaguely hope that some of the parents will stop by long enough to buy stuff from them.

They close the street because the sidewalks get extremely crowded, so it’s just safer to be able to walk on the road if needs be. A couple of years ago, they forgot to get the permits in on time to do so and there was uproar. It was almost impossible to get up and down the street. This year, they remembered in time, thank goodness, because into this mix, we threw this:


That, my friends, is a cardboard dalek, containing my Middlie. It took the best part of two weeks of evenings and one whole weekend to make, and my wonderful husband has significantly less hair than he started with, but we had an extraordinarily happy little girl. When I said we went *all out* this year, I meant it. Because we also had this chap:


And this one:


Dr Who isn’t *quite* as recognisable here in the US as it is in the UK but it is increasingly so. We were stopped by just about everybody, mostly admiring the work and effort gone into making the dalek, but also by some who were genuine Whovians, congratulating us on our epic costuming.

I think it was worth it 🙂

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